Project Overview
A tree formed from lots of colorful hands

Charitable causes

Get together and exchange among locals and refugees

Oberbergischer Kreis

By offering joint activities, the “Öku Ini” promotes cooperation between citizens of different cultures.

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Logo e-jet

Natural science and research

E-Jet electric vehicle


In the RWTH Aachen University project, students and scientific staff worked together on an interdisciplinary vehicle model of the future.

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Two people do a speed test with building blocks

Education and training


Oberbergischer Kreis

The training courses promote the basic interest of pupils in year 7 in the variety of professions.

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Building of the Waldbröl school observatory

Education and training

Student Observatory Waldbröl


The school observatory attracts young stargazers with telescopes, spectrographs, eyepieces and cameras that they can operate themselves.

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Poster music theater of the children's opera June 23, 2019

Youth and seniors

Play by Cologne Children's Opera


As the Cologne Children's Opera is a long way away, the children's opera from Cologne comes to Wipperfürth once a year.

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A figure in the shape of a brain is written on slips of paper on the subject of the brain and senses

Education and training

We are brain researchers!

Oberbergischer Kreis

With the help of Mr. Tie, primary school pupils become brain researchers themselves.

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Many students sit in one lecture hall

Natural science and research

German national scholarship

North Rhine-Westphalia

As part of the Deutschlandstipendium, the Hans Hermann Voss Foundation has funded a total of over 500 scholarships at various universities in NRW.

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