Education and training

MINT (STEM) picture book boxes for day-care centers

The 13 books deal with regional topics such as plants, animals, mobility and water.

Project description

Promoting language and reading skills and STEM with a regional focus

With the support of the Hans Hermann Voss Foundation, the Education network Oberberg provides all 144 daycare centers (Kita) in the district Oberbergischer Kreis with a "Oberbergische MINT (STEM) picture book box".

A picture book box contains 13 books on 12 different STEM areas, each with a strong regional focus, which are meant to be thematized in the everyday life of the daycare center. Topics are for example "plants", "animals", "mobility", "water" or "energy" and questions will be asked like "What is living and growing around my home area?", or "What is the significance of water and energy?".

The target is to arouse children's joy in language and to inform about regional specificities in nature and technology. This way, the project aims at promoting language and reading skills as well as developing a first understanding of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

In addition to a guide for practicioners, the book box also includes a one-day practical training for one of the daycare center’s qualified employees.

Project information

Education and training

Oberbergischer Kreis

Bildungsbüro des Oberbergischen Kreises

2017 – 2018