Education and training

We are brain researchers!

With the help of Mr. Tie, primary school pupils become brain researchers themselves.

Project description

Brain research boxes for elementary school children

At first glance, the human brain is abstract and difficult for children to grasp because it lies inside the head. As part of the project „We are brain researchers!", the Hertie Foundation has developed „brain research boxes". With their help, children in the 3rd and 4th grades of elementary school are made more familiar with the control center of our body.

The schoolchildren slip into the role of a real brain researcher and find the answers to questions about the brain by experimenting on their own. At the same time, they gain first practical experience in dealing with scientific questions and methods.

The Hans Hermann Voss-Stiftung has financed the production of five „brain research boxes” for the district Oberbergischer Kreis and the region Bergisches Land.

Elementary schools can borrow the „brain research boxes” at no cost from local media centres.

Project information

Education and training

Oberbergischer Kreis

Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung

2018 – 2020


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