Natural science and research

Speed Funds

Photo: RWTH/Mario Irrmischer

Master's students at RWTH Aachen University can test innovative concepts developed during their final thesis by building a prototype.

Project description

Promotion of master’s theses of students of science and technology

RWTH Aachen University bundles its interdisciplinary research on the major social challenges of our time in currently eight profile areas. Here, the Hans Hermann Voss Foundation supports so-called "speed funds", to promote master's theses of students of science and technology who wish to contribute with their research to the solution of application-related problems. This format is designed to transform an idea into a concrete concept within about six months and then into a prototype that allows the idea to be evaluated. Funding is provided for material costs to cover possible additional costs incurred by the acquisition and construction of the hardware for the prototypes.

Project overview
Project information

Natural science and research


RWTH Aachen University

since 2020


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