Scholarships promoting intercultural competences
From 2013 to 2021, in the style of the scholarship program of the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Auslandsdienst, DAAD), the Hans Hermann Voss-Stiftung supported international scholarships. The program aims at promoting thesis works, interns and research visits in the context of studies in companies or international universities. Hereby intercultural competences as well as language skills will be trained.
Since 2001, RWTH Aachen University and Tsinghua University Peking have been operating a joint English-language double-master program for students of mechanical engineering. The aim of the program is to train highly qualified engineers, who are well-versed in both cultures through their education in China and Germany and after finalizing their studies will be working in a German-Chinese environment, in the economical or research sector, thus contributing to bilateral cooperation. During the academic years 2017/2018 until 2020/21 inclusive, the Hans Hermann Voss-Stiftung granted these scholarships to support the Chinese students' stay in Aachen.
Natural science and research
RWTH Aachen
2013 – 2021
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