Natural science and research


The aim of the TeachING project was to arouse pupils' interest in scientific issues.

Project description

Inspire young people to study natural science or engineering

The target of the project TeachING was intended to rouse interest in pupils for questions about natural science and to inspire to a corresponding choice of studies. Using a cooperation concept of the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) with various schools, pupils in Wipperfürth were given during a two-day workshop an understanding of the job profile of an engineer. The first day was carried out under the topic “efficient production management”: The students developed a production process and learned the fundamentals of lean production in a playful and engaging way. The second day took place at the machine tools laboratory. A tour of the RWTH demonstration factory was on the agenda, as well as a digital factory design planning. Questions could have been raised around the studies at RWTH too.

Project information

Natural science and research

Aachen und Wipperfürth

RWTH Aachen

2009 – 2018


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