Project Overview
Ein paar Kinder malen auf dem Boden sitzend

Education and training

Chennai Nook

Chennai (India)

In cooperation with the DEFY project, the Initiative Neue Bildung e. V. is setting up self-learning centers, so-called Nooks, in India for people of all ages.

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Mehrere Orgelpfeiffen liegen nebeneinander

Education and training

Discovery organ


The explorer organ makes it possible to combine musical and physical education for children in a playful way.

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Four people walk side by side and one pushes a bicycle

Education and Training


São Paolo (Brazil) and Coahuila de Zaragoza (Mexico)

Pupils are prepared linguistically and interculturally for direct entry into a course of study at a German university.

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Eine Frau steht in einem Technikraum

Project archive

What we have promoted to date

The project archive provides an overview of the range of our support from the very beginning to the present day.

Completed projects
Zwei Personen sind auf einem Sportfeld und arbeiten an einem Experiment


Shaping the future together

Together with numerous partners in the region and beyond, we develop and support a wide range of projects in line with our foundation's objectives.

What we support