Education and training

Study Compass Oberberg

Foto: Sebastian Weimar/sdw

The sdw program supports young people from non-academic parents in their decision to train or study and beyond.

Project description

Funding of pupils on their way into working life

The Study Compass supports young people from families without academic experience in discovering their potential and finding an individually suitable educational path after graduation. The Hans Hermann Voss Foundation supports the Oberbergischer Kreis program location. Participants receive intensive support and guidance for three years as they make the transition from school to university or to vocational training. In the course of the program, young people learn to shape their educational path independently and make future-oriented career decisions. The support begins in the penultimate school year and accompanies the scholarship holders until the end of the first year of study or training. In addition to training courses and workshops to get to know one's own strengths, the scholarship includes the teaching of skills that will be required for the working world of the future and key topics such as digital skills, entrepreneurship, cultural education or STEM. 

More information about scholarship and application

Project overview
Project information

Education and training

Oberbergischer Kreis

Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft

2011 – 2016 and since 2020