Education and training

Media initiative of the district Oberbergischer Kreis

As part of the media initiative, pupils themselves become social media scouts and can educate their peers and younger children.

Project description

Clarification, prevention and support at schools dealing with social media

The aim is to sensitize pupils to the social media. The focus is on education about opportunities and dangers (data misuse or cyber mobbing) as well as on prevention and support measures. The approach is to train youngsters in classes 7-9 to become media assistants, while at the same time providing a training program for teachers. Under the leadership of the Education Agency of the district Oberberg, together with the Gummersbach County Police Department and the district Youth Welfare Office as well as other organizations as co-operation partners, a structured, district-wide training offer was created, particularly focusing on the rural structures of the region. The organization is to secure the project by setting up a network and long-term collaboration with cooperation partners so that students are not only media assistants at their own school, but also act as multipliers for primary schools and trained media assistants.

Project overview
Project information

Education and training

Oberbergischer Kreis

Education Agency of the district Oberberg, Gummersbach County Police Department, District Youth Welfare Office

since 2017


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