Education and training

Innovative technology workshop for young people

Zukunftsschmiede: technology enthusiasm for young peeple through courses in digitalization, robotics, VR and 3D vocational college in Hückeswagen

Project description

Zukunftsschmiede Hückeswagen/Oberberg

The “Zukunftsschmiede” (Future Forge) is a small workshop at the vocational college in Hückeswagen, where additional courses can be held in the afternoon alongside normal lessons. The aim is to get young people interested in technology and the associated professions in a fun and experimental way. Thanks to funding from the foundation, the college has purchased additional equipment, allowing for an enhanced range of courses in digitalization, robotics, virtual reality and 3D technologies.

Project overview
Project information

Education and training


Schule Bergischer Unternehmer gGmbH

2023 – 2026


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